We vacationed in 1997 on the Greek Island of Lesbos, famed as the home of the poetess Sappho. But its current claims to fame are equally unique. Skala Kalloni, where we stayed, is on the edge of a wetland and right on the migration route for Bird Watchers. and the birds come to see them - or have I got that the wrong way around? Anyway, when we were there in early May the proportion seemed to be three "twitchers" or watchers to each bird. The week before, however, there had been hundreds of different species of bird, making the area quite unique in Europe.
Another unique feature of Lesbos is that it has one
of the only three petrified forests in the world (the others being in
Germany and the US). On the left, Kate with a million year old tree.
On the right, a view of Sigri, where it is always windy. (An attempt to build a wind farm near there was stopped by environmentalists).
And there's more to see!
---------------for more pictures of Lesbos, click here -